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उ अनी उसैको वास्तविकता

उजेलिले उसको तस्वीर छुँदा, अँधेरिमा बसी मुस्कुराउँछ, संसार सबै घामले छेकिंदा, छाहारी खोज्दै हिंड्छ, घाम अस्ताउँदा पछुताउँछ, निदाउने बेला परिकल्पना गर्न थाल्छ, विशाल युद्धको तयारी गर्न लागे जस्तो, हिम्मतको टाउकोमै टेकेर चिच्याउँछ, विश्वले उसैको आवज सुन्ने जस्तो, अन्तरमनमै प्रफुल्ल हुन्छ, अनी निदाउने प्रयत्न गर्छ, डर लाग्दा अनुहारको बिचमा, आफ्नो वास्तविकता भेटाउँछ, बनावटी शाहस बटुल्दै, बाटो पन्छ्याउन खोज्छ, कल्पनामा रमाउने मान्छे, पातलो कोलाहलमै हराएर जान्छ !!

I am Nothing...

I am a vacant emotion, I travel miles away, To explore myself, And return empty hand, I am a staunch journey, You can travel with me, But you can't mislead me, I am the time, You can enjoy me, But you can't hold me, I am the rays of light, You can feel me, But you can't touch me, I am a mistake, You can correct me, But you can't erase me, I am the breeze, You can breathe me, But you can't see me, I am that little hope, You can live with me, But you can't destroy me, I am a piece of happiness, You can be with me, But you can't ruin my smile, I am the truth, You can accept me, But you can't change me, I am an imagination, You can pursue me, But you can't stop me, I will travel miles away, Just to be with myself, To find my existence, To explore my destiny, I will run down the horizon, I will leap above universe, The stars will smile, And I will define myself, You will starve to the end, Trying to make me re...

Special You

You twinkle far in the galaxy, I just lie down beneath the air, On the ground to behold you, To stray along with your smile, And to cherish your immense beauty, That makes my heart beat a little faster, So many of them glimmer in the sky, But like no others you shine above all, Time is endless when I'm looking at you, With emotions flying a thousand miles, Ocean wants to vanish into your eyes, Moon is so jealous of your charm, The breeze turns crazy and teases me, Clouds try to hide you from my sight, Because we share a bond of friendship, And our trust is the fuel to keep it alive !!

Hunting Happiness

Throwing yourself onto the bed every evening after a stressful day is the thing you enjoy most these days. You may be successful, earning good, own a BMW and a beautiful apartment but your bald forehead may not be shining that way. When you look at the mirror, an unknown agony seems ruling into your eyes. The wrinkles on your cheek crucifies your living. You know you have enough reasons to smile but you don't really want to. You also don't have that courage to weep in the corner because you realize that the weight of the tear drops are too heavy to carry. Well, an attempt to get a fresh breeze in your balcony will indemnify your existence. Now you can see the color of the sky has so much changed. It has been so long since you looked up there. The nature just faded away its colors and you cannot remember what actually it looked like. Sadness rises along with the sun everyday and never sets with it. Your own shadow disappears into the piles of files y...

Friend of Himself

Yes, He is a Friend, Friend of his Hope, That vanishes the agony, And invents a new dawn, Friend of his Trust, That makes him withstand, And pursue his dreams, Friend of a Existence, That smiles in infinity, And hails his efforts, When he stands on the edge, That admires his living, When he redeem himself, It whispers to his heart, "Oh Dear, you are not alone, You have all those applause, The fate is not that dry, Thousand eyes dampened it, You are not that vacant inside, You carry million emotions, Because you are Friend, Friend of your Hope, Friend of your Trust, Friend of your Existence, And a Friend of Yourself" !!

लुकेका भावना

अन्जान भिडमा चम्किने त्यो कति राम्रो अनुहार, छातीमा नै घोची दिने धारिलो त्यो उनको नजर, संगै बसुँ संगै हासुँ मन भित्रको अर्को रहर, केहि भन्न खोजे जस्तो लोभ लाग्दो उनको अधर, कतै बाट लजाउँदै आएको त्यो एउटा सुवाश, उनलाई छोई मात्तिएर जिस्काउदैछ मलाई बतास, पातलो त्यो कम्मर उनको मिलेका ती दन्तलहर, उनिसंगै बिताउँ लाग्छ जीवनका हरेक प्रहर, पुर्णिमाको रात पनि कति सारो अंध्यारो भो, आकाशमा रमाउने जुन सायद धर्तिमा थ्यो, कल्पनामै भए पनि कोमल हात समाउँदा, संसार सारा भुली दिन्छु उनि संगै रमाउंदा, मस्किएर कैले कसो मतिर नै हेर्छिन उनि, जिस्किएर साथिसंग मेरै कुरा गर्छिन उनि, टोलाएर एकोहोरो उनी तिरै हेरिरहें, मुटु फुस्कि जाला भनी अंगालोले बेरिरहें !!

You are brave, You are human !!

You are brave, I'm weak, You enjoy rain, I suffer, Inside these grills, I do nothing, I cant break it because you made it, To behold my weakness, And you never knew I can't breathe, You made shelter to protect your family, And took me away from my home, You have brains, so you write about freedom, You have dreams, so you pursue liberty, You have voices, so you discuss about rights, You are human, so you talk about Humanity !!

tale, Untold...

When in the street, mercy hits the breeze, Beneath the sky, he sleeps with the ease, When a next day tears the dawn, And the world runs behind some fun , Fate smiles when he claims his sorrow, Friend is a tree and a dog in his pillow, No alarm can crack his dream, Wakes up when can feel the beam, Sip of some air is an energy, And the leaves throw some melody, Busy faces running around him, Oh almighty, I wonder what is my sin, He howls loudly but no one listens, Instead the sun tardily brightens, There they dare to poke his emotions, Who shouts big to dilute the wounds, At a distance, sun meets the horizon, Will leave his tale untold once again, When the world returns from an adventure, Leaning the wall he cant make any sure, When the night swallows the light, He lives a little less of the life, And yet again in the open breeze, With the ease, on the ground he sleeps !!

रातको मौनता अनि म

धेरै बेर अन्धकारमा टोलाईरहेँ, भित्तामा देखिने मधुरा अनुहारहरु लाई बोलाईरहेँ, अँध्यारोको गहिराइ जान्ने मनमा रहर जाग्यो, फेरी एकचोटी पुराना रहस्य खोतल्ने रहर जाग्यो, एकै छिन आफ्ना भाग्यका पानाहरु पल्टाउन थाँले, खिया लागेका मेरा रहरहरु टल्काउन थाँले, सपनाको पहाडमा उभिएको मेरो जिन्दगी, अनी पहाडको फेदमा घस्रीदै मेरा इछ्याहरु, अलिकती आफैलाई बिर्सिएर रमाउने कोसिश गरेँ, अलिकती रोएँ अनि फेरी हाँसेर आफ्नै खिल्ली उडाएँ, क्षितिजले म सँग केहि भन्न खोजे जस्तो लाग्यो, अन्तरिक्ष खुम्चिएर मेरो नजिक आए जस्तो लाग्यो, प्रकृतिको हरियाली सँग खुलेर रमाएँ, यो सानो खुशी संसारलाई सुनाउन जोडले कराएँ, आफ्नै आवजले मेरो निंद्रा बिथोलियो, खुम्चिएको आँध्यारो कानमा आई बोल्यो, तैँले बोलाउने अनुहारहरु हराएर गए, तेरा ईछ्या अनि भावनाहरु आफै सँग डराएर गए, जिउँदो लाश जस्तो अचेत भएर आकाश मुनी बसिरहेँ, अनी रातको मौनतालाई फेरी टोलाईरहेँ !!

दिशाहीन यात्रा

जिन्दगीको यात्रामा धेरै हिडिंसकें, दिशाहीन बाटोमा धेरै टाढा सम्म्, फर्किएर हेर्दा गुलाब सरी फुलेको अतितको फुल, अगाडी हेर्दा अनकन्टार अंध्यारो, अलिकती उज्यालो देखेर रमाउने म, मरुभुमिमा एक्लो हतालिएं, पल्लो छेंउ जिन्दगीको पुगिने आशमा, बिस्तारै तर निरन्तर हिडिंरहे, खुशी देखिने अनुहार हरु धेरै भेटिए, भेटिएनन् दुखमा रमाउन जानेका हरु, तरिका सिकाउने हरु धेरै भेटिए, भेटिएनन् गरेर देखाउने हात हरु, डरलाग्दा घुम्टिहरुमा थुप्रै आशाहरु मरेका थिए, काँडाले घोच्ने डरमा अलि पर सरेका थिए, रातो बदल क्षितिजमा डुल्दै गर्दा, प्रश्नको ओहिरो मनमा उर्लियो, भविस्यको टुङ्गो नलाग्दै यात्रामा, अल्मलिएर कतै पूर्णविराम लाग्ने हो कि, मलाई छोडी मेरो इछ्या शक्ति, बिच बाटोमै बारालिने हो कि !!

एक झोक्का हावा

एक झोक्का हावा म उभिएनिर आयो, यो चिसो सांझको महसुस मलाई गरायो, जहाँ म उभिएको थिंए, बादल माथि, धेरै टाढा मेरो विस्वास अनि मेरो डरको दुरी भन्दा टाढा । मेरो कानको नजिकै आएर केहि बोल्न खोजे जस्तो गर्‍यो, मेरो अज्ञानतालाई निहाल्यो, अलिकती टुक्क्रा मुस्कानको दिएर मैले देख्ने भन्दा निकै टाढा बिलायो । म सँग केवल सन्नाटा मात्र बांकी थियो, अनी मलाई महसुस गराउने कुराहरु, मेरो मौनता आफै सँग बहस गर्न थाल्यो, म हुनुको अस्तित्व सँग माफी मागे, आफ्नो जीवन सँग न्याय नगरेकोमा, आफैलाई वास्ता नगरी मरुभूमिमा, शितल छाहारी खोज्दै दगुरेकोमा।