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Showing posts from January, 2019


तिमी आयौ, मैले उत्सव मनाएँ, तिमी हाँस्यौ, हामी उत्सव मनायौँ, तिमी गयौ, मैले फेरि उत्सव मनाएँ, तर... यदि जानुनै थियो भने, तेसरि नहाँसेकी भए हुन्थ्यो।।

Let You be You

I try hard, Not to be Me, I whirl every wind, Trying to ape, But at the end, I end up being Me, And I believe, Like Me, You try hard, Not to be You, And swim every tide, But you end up being You, And to this quandary, I found a solution, Let Me be Me, And You be You, Let there be Balance, Let there be Peace, Let there be Happy Souls.