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थाहा छैन

थाहा छैन जिन्दगी के मा हरायो, दुई सास मा हरायो, की झिनो आश मा हरायो, सपनाको रास मा हरायो, की त्यो मधुमास मा हरायो ।।

हेर्दा हेर्दै...

हेर्दा हेर्दै हराएछन् केहि साथहरु, दोबाटोमै छुट्टिएछन् ती हातहरु, आकाश हेरेर टोलाउँदा टोलाउँदै, ननिदाई बितेछन् कति रातहरु, लाग्दैछ जीन्दगीमा कुनै रङ्ग छैन, भाग्य भन्दा अघि दगुरेको नि हैन, हरियालीमा एकैछिन रमाउँदा रमाउँदै, थाहै नपाई झरिगएछन् पातहरू !!

That Piece of Breeze

In a cold winter evening, When the moon was staring, Not at me, But the dead silence of the sea, When the clock nearby, Didn't really wanted to sleep, When those dry memories, Wanted to, but couldn't weep, When a piece of breeze, Touched my barren soul, With a little perplexity, And the dreams it stole, Never I wanted to see, But it whispered back at me, I have something for you, A grave of your emotion, That wanted to dance along, In this gentle winter rain, And still feel the warmth, Within the coldness of your brain !!


तिमी आयौ, मैले उत्सव मनाएँ, तिमी हाँस्यौ, हामी उत्सव मनायौँ, तिमी गयौ, मैले फेरि उत्सव मनाएँ, तर... यदि जानुनै थियो भने, तेसरि नहाँसेकी भए हुन्थ्यो।।

Let You be You

I try hard, Not to be Me, I whirl every wind, Trying to ape, But at the end, I end up being Me, And I believe, Like Me, You try hard, Not to be You, And swim every tide, But you end up being You, And to this quandary, I found a solution, Let Me be Me, And You be You, Let there be Balance, Let there be Peace, Let there be Happy Souls.