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Showing posts from December, 2017


This was the year that really had an impact in my living. Life has shown me the most extreme yet different edges of the meanings I was searching. While hunting for the destiny, I have experienced most joy and the most frustration within a single bit of time. I have felt both empty and overloaded with emotions at the same time. I cried alone in a corner and laughed in the other one. Somewhere between the tears and laughter, I realised that there is always a wider meaning to everything and the room is always bigger than it seems and of course, the life itself is larger than it appears. When life has a beautiful face of a friend, it equally has an evil face of an enemy. And the enemy lies within yourself. One of the purpose of life is to defeat the enemy within and discover more of the friend and to treat yourself with all the feast of happiness.  #Farewell2017 #Welcome2018