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Showing posts from 2015

Last Night I Dreamed of You

Last Night I Dreamed of You, You were flying really high, Higher than the birds could fly, Those clouds were beneath you, And dreams above the blue sky. Last Night I Dreamed of You, Sailing through the intricate harbor, You were busy puncturing the tides, Higher than your hopes, Still making way for your rides. Last Night I Dreamed of You, You were leading the light, Through the tunnel of darkness, Victory was shining at the end, Like the diamond sparkles. When I woke up this morning, And the sun went above horizon, There you were inside the mirror, Standing with a vacant emotion, Petrified with your own aspiration.

Come Fast Dear Mother...

Oh Dear Mother, When you flew away, To get us some food, The trees were dancing, And I don’t know why, Those hills were moving, The neighbors flew away, When their tree was falling, The thunder was scary, And our timber was breaking, Hopes were all crumbled, To see my brothers crying, I crawled on the leaves, And our home fell down, I am scared of this wind, It took away my siblings, Now is this the rain, Different than yesterday, These drops are whipping, And the sky is yelling, The clouds are more black, And the dust is smelling, Eyes can’t weep anymore, I feel very week, Alone and frightened, And I’m hungry too, Without you my mother, Heart doesn't beat anymore, This time is brutal, And fate is on the shore, Come fast dear Mother, Before the darkness haunts, Come fast dear Mother, Before the world mourns...

May Be...

May be the sky is not blue enough, May be the ocean is not blue enough, May be the blue itself is not blue enough, May be there is something wider than the sky, May be there is something deeper than the ocean, May be somewhere deep inside you, You have a dream bluer than the sky and ocean, That can make the rainbow fade away...

Different than Myself

A Weaker Me, Sometimes Stronger, An Innocent Me, A bit Cruel too, A Decent Me, A confused me, An Honest Me and a Betrayer, A Friend and an Enemy, Whatever I appear to be, I have a reflection, That doesn't pertain real me, But it defines the sorrow, I am suffering through, You can help me redeem, With a smile in return !!